Caitlin Malley, B.A., M.A., LMFT

Therapy, Mental Health Guidance, and Spiritual Exploration

Seeing Clients everywhere via video!

Instagram: @Cait.Malley


Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

Our soul’s natural state of being is joy, ease and curiosity! However, many of us must learn to overcome anxiety, shame, doubt and fear before we can reside in our easeful state. That is ok, that is why we are here—to learn! And we are ALL learning.

Together my clients and I work to identify and integrate our soul lessons into the fabric of our being, expressed through core beliefs about ourselves and the world, perceptions, attitudes, choices and behaviors. I support my clients as they come to understand that science and spirituality are one and the same, that life events and experiences have profound meaning and purpose, and that worry and fear are a waste of imagination.  My clients come to understand the each of us reflects the creation and structure of the universe, thus our very existence contains much wisdom to be discovered. I encourage my clients to rework their beliefs and ideas throughout their time on earth. My clients learn to first accept, then treasure the truth that we are allowed to be as many versions of ourselves as necessary to be happy. We get to evolve, and avoid stagnation!

I possess two mutually enhancing goals: to learn as much as possible through experience and to serve and support my fellow souls. Through clinical technique, somatic and energy work and magic, each client’s spiritual connection to universe and true self is awakened. Together we become wise and expansive! 

“The relationship we have with ourself sets the tone for every other relationship we have.” -Caitlin Malley

“My job is to confront myself over and over again, until I am the clearest, stillest channel for spirit to exist within.” -Liana Naima

“Worry is a misuse of the imagination” -Dan Zadra

“If I did in fact allow myself to be who I really prefer to be, what am I afraid might happen?” -Bashar

 “What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.” -Kurt Vonnegut